World of warships submarine mode
World of warships submarine mode

world of warships submarine mode

Unfortunately, only real battles on the main server provide so much data and opinions to bring the mechanics of submarines and their counters to the point where they can be introduced into the game on a regular basis. We understand that testing a new class on the main server may be inconvenient, and we would like to thank you for playing submarines, playing against them, and for your feedback. In 0.11.2 we plan to resume submarines testing with additional improvements to their mechanics. From version 0.11.0 until the beginning of 0.11.2 submarines will not be available on the main server. We have decided to temporarily stop testing submarines on the main server in order to prepare additional changes.Based on the results of the 0.11.0 Public Test, we realized that the planned changes do not lead to the desired result – submarines remain insufficiently effective compared to other classes.We do not expect a significant change in popularity at Tier X, but we can expect a small increase at lower Tiers

world of warships submarine mode

  • Submarines at Tier X currently have roughly the same popularity as aircraft carriers, but slightly less so at VI and VIII Tiers.
  • While in 0.10.9 submarines were close to destroyers in terms of spotting damage, now new class is roughly comparable to cruisers in this regard.
  • We will try to find other ways to increase the influence of submarines in combat, but we will not completely rule out the possibility of improving their torpedoes if other options will be ineffective.
  • Since 0.10.10 the average damage caused by submarines has decreased by about 25%.
  • world of warships submarine mode

    Even taking into account the lifetime of submarines, which is comparable to destroyers and cruisers, other indicators of subs’ combat effectiveness are significantly inferior to other classes.The changes made in 0.10.10 and 0.10.11 (splitting subs’ torpedoes into two types and changing the torpedoes’ guidance) have improved gameplay and the interaction of the new class with surface ships.World of Warships will stop testing Submarines in Random Battles! Here’s some information Wargaming has shared.

    World of warships submarine mode